Monday 14 September 2015

Connotations Photo's

Image: Fear
Camera angle: Canted angle
Camera shot: Long shot
Meaning: We chose to use a canted angle, since it's to show a type of disorientation, like you would feel when scared. We also used a long shot, since it shows them running away, but it doesn't show from what, so it makes you wonder what and makes you feel tense as well.

Image: Strength
Camera angle: Worm eye view
Camera shot: Medium shot
Meaning: We chose to take a worms eye view of a tree, since a tree does represent a type of strength and can look menacing from such a low angle, but also full of strength. Whilst as the medium shot, we used that since we didn't want to use the entire tree, mainly the upper parts of the tree really.

Image: Danger
Camera angle: Low angle
Camera shot: Medium shot
Meaning: We used a low angle to show his feet halfway off of the ledge, therefore signifying that he could fall off, which is the danger here. And we used a medium shot, since we only wanted to get the lower half of his body in to show where the danger is.

Image: Purity
Camera angle: Low angle
Camera shot: Medium shot
Meaning: The water shows purity, since it is clear and clean, showing no sign of uncleanliness. We used a low angle and a medium shot to show the water flowing purely and to not mess up the shot with anything else that could be considered "unpure".

Image: Poverty
Camera angle: High angle
Camera shot: Medium/long shot
Meaning: This image shows someone sitting in the grass, seemingly quite sad about their predicament, which shows poverty. We used a high angle to capture their inferior position and a medium/long shot to catch their whole body in the shot, but not a lot of the background as a normal long shot would.

Image: Love
Camera angle: Straight on
Camera shot: Close up
Meaning: This image shows people holding hands which signifies a type of love, since it shows them together. The angle used was a straight on angle, which captures the reality of the shot and we used a close up, since we wanted the holding of hands to be the main focus of the shot.

Image: Desire
Camera angle: Low angle
Camera shot: Medium shot
Meaning: The image shows someone reaching out to someone else, showing that they have a desire to be with them or to get to them. The low angle is used to capture them trying to reach out to the other, but the main focus is on their hand. The medium shot is to capture the other's outline in the back, but also the main subject's hand at the front.


Image: Weakness
Camera Angle: High Angle
Camera Shot: Over the shoulder shot
Meaning: Weakness is displayed in this image by using the high angle and over the shoulder shot to show the inferiority of the person on the ground compare to the superiority of the person standing over them, appearing to be telling them off.

Image: Loneliness
Camera angle: Straight on angle
Camera shot: Wide shot
Meaning: A person standing on their own encaptures loneliness with a straight on and wide shot, since the stright on angle suggests that this is a normal thing, which it is, but shouldn't be, whilst as the wide shot shows how lonely they are without anyone around them in the background.

Image: Friendship
Camera angle: Straight on
Camera shot: Wide shot
Meaning: Friendship is shown in this picture by showing a friend comforting another friend who is down. This is encaptured by the normality of the straight on shot and shown by the wide shot, which shows no-one else around, showing only the two friends, one of which is comforting the other.

Image: Greed
Camera angle: Canted angle
Camera shot: Wide shot
Meaning: Greed is shown in this particular image by someone stealing a bag from someone else. The canted angle helps to create a sense of disorientation, as one would expect with having something stolen from them and the wide shot simply helps with the atmosphere, showing the greed of the person stealing even more as a result of there being no-one else around.

Image: Wealth
Camera angle: Birds eye view
Camera shot: Close up
Meaning: This image shows wealth by showing someone holding quite a few coins in their hand, showing they are wealthy. The birds eye view and close up helps show that, since it shows the main focus of the person is holding the money, cutting out everything else out of the shot and only focusing on the wealth that is within this person's hands.

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