Wednesday 2 December 2015

Pitch Feedback & Reflections

With everyone in the class, I think everyone did rather well when pitching their ideas for rebranding a Unilever product. Everyone's ideas are very good and well thought out, although there are a few things some people could improve on.
The main thing I noticed when people were giving their pitches was that though many people seemed to keep up eye contact with everyone else, many others seemed to not keep up eye contact too well. Most people seemed to focus on one side of the room mainly, not really looking around to the other side. And a few also kept looking down at their cue cards throughout the entirety of their pitch.
There was also a small issue with a few pitches where a few of them did have an issue with volume. Some but not all were very quiet and there was an issue with clarity. A few people did keep on going "um" and "uh" a bit during their pitch.
However, as I have stated before, everyone did rather well and their ideas are all good and though sometimes I didn't understand what some people were saying, they were all good and seemed to really do their research.

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